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Bus Information for students travelling to The Latimer Arts College

Please note: All information has been supplied by the bus companies and is believed to be accurate. The School is unaware of charges at this time*

Students travelling from Isham: 

We understand that students living in Isham are entitled to free transport.  Travel passes will need to be organised through North Northants Council and are not organised by the School.

Pickup location Bus stop outside of the old 'Monk and Minstrel' pub.
Pick up time: 8.05 am
Collection time: 3.00 pm from Latimer
Drop off location Bus stop on the opposite side of the road from the 'Bear and Beignet’.
Approximate arrival time: 3.30pm


Students travelling from Cranford: 

We understand that students living in Isham are entitled to free transport.  Travel passes will need to be organised through North Northants Council and are not organised by the School.

Pickup location Cranford CE Primary School
Pick up time: 8.15 am
Collection time: 3.00 pm from Latimer
Drop off location Cranford CE Primary School
Approximate arrival time: 3.20pm
Students travelling from Burton Latimer: 

The service is independently organised by “Stagecoach” Travel 

Bus 276 travels from Burton Latimer to The Latimer Arts College.

For the Stagecoach service that operates on the School site fares are £1.50 for a single.  Dayrider tickets are £3.20, and are available up to the age of 19, although please note that the cost of two single fares is cheaper than a Dayrider ticket. 

Please see below the current timings for the School Bus 276: 


Bus Stop Location 

07:40 Burton Latimer, Station Road
07:44 Burton Latimer, Shannon Way
07:50 Burton Latimer, Eady Road
07:53 Burton Latimer, Hillcrest Avenue
07:54 Burton Latimer, Westley Close
07:55 Burton Latimer, Whitney Road
07:56 Burton Latimer, Newman Street 
07:57 Burton Latimer, Meeting Lane
07:59 Burton Latimer, Wold Road
07:59 Burton Latimer, Bird Street
08:00 Burton Latimer, Spinney Road

Barton Seagrave, Acorn Close

08:03 Barton Seagrave, Barton Road
08:04 Barton Seagrave, Cottersmore Avenue
08:05  Barton Seagrave, Grosvenor Road
08:06 Barton Seagrave, Polwell Lane
08:07  Barton Seagrave, St Botolph's Road
08:09 Barton Seagrave, Latimer School Grounds


276 Bus Route & Timetable: Return Route 


Bus Stop Location 

15:20 Barton Seagrave, Latimer School Grounds
15:21 Barton Seagrave, St Botolph's Road
15:22 Barton Seagrave, Polwell Lane
15:22 Barton Seagrave, Grosvenor Road

Burton Latimer, Southfield Drive

15:25 Burton Latimer, Station Road
15:26 Burton Latimer, Shannon Way
15:27 Burton Latimer, Eady Road
15:28 Burton Latimer, 1 Hillcrest Avenue
15:30 Burton Latimer, Whitney Road
15:31 Burton Latimer, Newman Street
15:32 Burton Latimer, Meeting Lane
15:34 Burton Latimer, Wold Road
15:34  Burton Latimer, Bird Street
15:35 Burton Latimer, Spinney Road

 Please be aware that timings are an estimate only, the bus may arrive slightly earlier or later on some days. 

For any further information, please visit the ‘Stagecoach Travel’ website by clicking here or contacting ‘Stagecoach Travel’ directly via an email or call. 

Home to School Transport

Councils are required to provide travel assistance between Home and School for children and young people residing in their area who meet the eligibility criteria.

Parents living in North Northamptonshire are asked to be aware that the criteria for admission to any school (including “linked” schools) differs from the criteria for travel assistance. With effect from the academic year starting in September 2024, linked schools are no longer treated as the nearest suitable school for new applicants for transport, unless the school is actually the nearest suitable school with places available to their home address.

The offer of a place at any particular school does not automatically guarantee the provision of travel assistance. If parents intend to apply for Home to School Travel Assistance for their child, they are advised to read the Council’s Home to School Transport policy before applying.

North Northamptonshire Council supports the right of parents to express preferences for schools. However, in order to be eligible for free home to school travel assistance, (subject to meeting the other eligibility criteria) the child or young person must be attending their nearest suitable school which has places available, or the special school named in the child’s Education Health and Care Plan if they have one. Where a parent has opted for their child to attend a school or special school that is not their named or nearest suitable provision with places, it is likely that transport will not be provided.

There is no automatic entitlement to assistance with travel between home and school. Parents requiring home to school transport or other travel assistance will need to make an application to their Local Authority. Each application will be assessed on its own merits against the published policy.

For further information about Home to School transport, including details of who might be eligible, you should read the Home to School Transport Policy relevant to the area in which you live.

  • Families resident in North Northamptonshire should use this link:

School travel assistance | North Northamptonshire Council (

               (Or search

  • Families resident in West Northamptonshire should use this link

School travel assistance | West Northamptonshire Council (

  • Families resident in other Local Authority areas should contact their local council.