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Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs (SEND) Information Report (School Offer)

Contact details for the SEND Team

Should you believe your child has special educational needs or a disability please contact the SEND Department (Email - who will be able to undertake appropriate assessments to see if they meet local and national SEND criteria.

About The Latimer Arts College

How would you describe your school?

The Latimer Arts College is a mainstream 11-18 comprehensive school with   

approximately 1100 students.


At The Latimer Arts College, we are a community, a family, that genuinely respects and cares for each other.  Together, we are committed to ensuring that everyone in our school is happy, feels safe and is valued. 


With our students at the heart of all that we do, as a team, we aim to encourage each person to uphold both our values of Honesty, Excellence, Ambition, Respect and Teamwork and the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.  We want all to make a positive contribution to both our local community and wider society.


We have a passionate belief in the value of a well-rounded education and it is our intention to unlock the true potential for each and every individual, whatever that may be. We work collectively to motivate our students to place no boundaries on their ambitions, no limits on their aspirations and put no barriers in the way of their achievements.  Through our high expectations we want to inspire our students to achieve excellence and be the best that they can be.

The kinds of special educational needs for which we make provision

What kinds of SEND do students have in your school?

As an inclusive school we do not seek to closely define the special educational needs

for which we will make provision. Historically we have had success in providing for

a wide range of different needs, when budget, resources and availability of

expertise has allowed and would group this within the four broad areas of SEND:

• Communication and interaction

• Cognition and learning

• Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

• Sensory and or physical needs

A definition of special educational need:

How do you define special educational needs?

The 2014 SEN Code of Practice defines a child or young person as having special

educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for

special educational provision to be made for him or her.  A learning difficulty or

disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others

of the same age. Special educational provision means educational or training provision

that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same

age in a mainstream setting in England.

Identifying and assessing students with special educational needs

How do you know if my child needs support?

Learners may fall behind in school for many reasons. They may have been absent from

school, they may have experienced inconsistency in their education provision. They

may not speak English as a first language or they may suffer from self-esteem issues

which prevents progress being made. Only those with a learning difficulty

(or those in the process of) or those not making significant progress in line with

their peers with interventions; and any students that require special educational

provision will be identified as having SEND. We follow the Assess- Plan- Do- Review

model for our students with identified SEND.


We would expect to use a wide range of information sources to help us to identify

students with special educational needs including:

  • Information received from a parent or carer and/or outside agencies
  • Liaison with primary schools during the Year 6 transition process
  • Attendance at Year 6 Annual Reviews by our Learning Support Manager
  • Year 6 SATs scores or Teacher Assessment data
  • Analysis of screening tests taken on entry into the college including reading and  spelling tests; CATS tests and baseline assessments in each subject area
  • On-going reviews of progress in line with our progress tracking system
  • Referrals from staff
  • Advice from specialist external agencies eg. Educational Psychology service



Making provision for students with special educational needs

Assessing and reviewing the progress of students with special educational needs and evaluating the effectiveness the school’s provision

How do you know if my child is making progress?

All interventions and support offered to students with special education needs is tracked through our provision mapping process. 


The progress of students with special educational needs will be reviewed regularly in line with the college’s progress tracking systems and the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) processes.


In reviewing the progress of students with special educational needs and evaluating the effectiveness of the provision, a range of evidence will be taken into consideration:

  • analysis of progress tracking reports and testing and assessment processes
  • analysis of behaviour and attendance records and liaison with Education Inclusion Partnership Team
  • analysis of progress through any intervention processes
  • observations of teachers and Learning Support Assistants (LSAs)
  • work sampling on a termly basis
  • discussion with individual students and staff
  • consultation with parents or carers at student progress review evenings and other meetings

How do you evaluate provision?

Monitoring and evaluating the impact of this provision is co-ordinated by the Learning Support Manager, in liaison with the SENCO. 


Where provision is shown to be effective and having a positive impact on progress, it will be continued if required.  Where a student is not making the progress expected, adjustments or improvements to the provision will be made.

Teaching students with special educational needs and providing additional support for learning

How do teachers support students with SEND?

All teachers are teachers of special educational needs and all students should have access to high quality learning and quality first teaching. Where a student has special educational needs, it is expected that the learning activities in the classroom are suitably adapted to allow them to access the curriculum and make progress.


For some students with special educational needs, more specialist provision may be required and a combination of strategies may be used, such as:

  • individual in-class support or individual withdrawal provided by a Learning Support Assistant (LSA)
  • small group or individual specialist teaching for a specific period of time
  • mentoring support
  • in-class access to ICT facilities or other specialist resources

Adapting the curriculum and learning environment for students with special educational needs

How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for students with SEND?

Through effective provision mapping, students with SEND needs should be able to fully access the relevant year group or key stage curriculum, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, and make progress.


However, where needed, reasonable adaptations to the curriculum and learning environment will be made.  This may include the ability to access ICT more frequently than other students or a reduction in the number of subjects studied. These adaptations will be considered as part of the evaluation of progress for each individual student.


Within lessons it is the teacher’s responsibility to adapt learning. Strategies to support students identified with SEND are included on a Pen Portrait for staff to access. All information about students with individual needs can be found on our secure central area.

Activities that are available for students with special educational needs in addition to those available in accordance with the curriculum

What activities are available for students with SEND in addition to those available in accordance with the curriculum?

We offer a range of extra-curricular activities for all of our students and promote an equality of access for all.  These activities offer the opportunity to further extend learning and include trips and visits and a range of sporting and performing arts clubs.


Where reasonable adjustments need to be made to accommodate students with special educational needs, these will be put in place. Risk assessments will be completed for each trip and the needs of individual students are considered as part of this process. A decision will then be reached by the SENCO, in collaboration with parents or carers, to decide whether or not it is possible for the student to attend. The safety and well-being of all concerned has to be considered as part of this process.


If a student with special educational needs would benefit from a particular enrichment activity, where reasonable, we would seek to provide this or signpost parents or carers to relevant external organisations.


Extended learning (Homework) club  ‘Aspire’ is available to all students and SEND students are specifically invited to access support from an LSA/HLTA with homework and organisation.

Support that is available for improving the emotional and social development of students with special educational needs

What support is available for improving the emotional and social development of SEND students?

The school has a designated SEN Learning Mentor to ensure students with special educational needs who would benefit from emotional and social support receive this.

We also work with external agencies that can provide support for individuals in specialist areas, such as the school nursing team, bereavement counselling and mental health services including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

Expertise and staff training

What training have your staff received to meet the needs of students with SEND?

As a school we will ensure that all staff are trained as required to meet the needs of students with special educational needs.


The SENCO is a trained teacher and has responsibility for co-ordinating staff training, supported by the Learning Support Manger, who has a wide range of expertise.  They are supported by a team of experienced Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) who have expertise and training in a range of areas.  


Where it is identified that there is a training need for an individual or group of staff, this will be provided as required.  Where expertise does not exist within the college, we will work with external partners and agencies as required, such as the Educational Psychologists service and Speech and Language therapists to increase expertise to the standard required.

Securing equipment and facilities to support students with special educational needs

How will equipment and facilities to support students with SEND be secured?

The school has been modified to increase accessibility for those with physical impairments.  These include: a series of automatic doors; disabled parking spaces; where access to specialist facilities is not provided for by ground floor accommodation a lift is in operation; we also have a physio-therapy suite. Please see our Accessibility Plan for more details.


Students have ICT access throughout the entire school through desktops, laptops or tablets and we have access to Reader pens and recommend various assistive technology tools to support individual needs.


Individual needs of students are reviewed regularly and where additional equipment or changes to facilities are required these are discussed with the Principal and decisions made with regards to reasonable adjustments.

Consulting parents and carers of students with special educational needs and involving the parents and carers in the education of their child

How and when do you consult with parents/ carers of SEND?

The school aims to work in partnership with parents and carers. We do so through our regular communication processes, including fortnightly newsletters, annual Student Progress Review Evenings and our reporting processes.


In addition, where a student has special educational needs, parents and carers will be contacted by the relevant staff to discuss ways in which they feel the school can help their child and agree targets and support processes in line with the graduated approach.


Where a parent or carer requests additional meetings during the year to discuss their child’s progress, these will be provided by prior appointment.


The school will signpost parents and carers to relevant external agencies who may be able to provide further support and guidance.

Consulting young people with special educational needs about, and involving them in, their education

How do you involve students with SEND in decisions about their education?

We recognise that all students have the right to be involved in making decisions and exercising choice.


In lessons, all students are involved in monitoring and reviewing their progress through our ‘closing the gap’ process where they review their progress, set targets and monitor their success at achieving the targets.


Additionally, all students are mentored by their tutor following our progress tracking weeks, where relevant targets are set and then reviewed.


Where a student has special educational needs, they will be encouraged to review their progress with the relevant staff, involving parents or carers where necessary, and to suggest ways in which they can be further supported in line with the graduated approach.


Students with EHC Plans are involved in their Annual Reviews and their thoughts are central to the process. They are encouraged to contribute actively to the process. Students are supported by Learning Support staff for annual reviews, curriculum options, transition, and external agency meetings.

Arrangements for complaints from parents or carers of students with special educational needs concerning the provision at the school

What is the process for dealing with complaints from parents of students with SEND involving school provision?

We would hope to be able to resolve any concerns that a parent or carer has through an informal process. Any concerns relating to the learning support provision should be initially directed to the SENCO.


Any concerns relating to a specific subject should be directed to the Progress Leader.

However, if a parent or carer remains dis-satisfied, then a formal complaint should be made to the Principal following the college’s complaints procedures, details of which can be found on the school’s website.


Any complaints relating to an individual member of staff should be directed straight to the Principal.

Involving other bodies in meeting the needs of students with special educational needs and in supporting the families of such students

How are other bodies involved in meeting the needs of students with SEND and in supporting their families?

In providing the best quality of education for students with special educational needs, where it is felt necessary, we would seek the support of other agencies and external partners and/or signpost parents or carers to this external support.


We invite all relevant agencies to annual review meetings, transition meetings and specific provision planning meetings involving students with special educational needs in our school. For students with Education, Health and Care Plans, we comply with requests from independent facilitators to provide information and cooperate fully with other agencies.

At the request of families, we will liaise with voluntary bodies in order to be as familiar as possible with best practice when the special educational needs of a student are very specific. 

The contact details of support

services for the parents of

students with special educational


What support services are available for parents/ carers of students with SEND?

Support for parents of students with SEN is provided by the Information, Advice and Support Services Network (IASS). Details about the support they provide and how to contact them can be found on their website:


Other support services can be found via the Northamptonshire County Council website and The Local Offer:

Supporting students with special educational needs in transferring between phases of education or in preparing for adulthood and independent living

What arrangements are there for supporting students with SEND in transition?

We have in place processes to ensure smooth transition into our school from a previous phase of education and from our school into the next phase of education.


For Year 6 to Year 7 transition all feeder primary schools are visited by a member of staff. Information about students with special educational needs is collected. The SENCO identifies suitable secondary teaching strategies. Information is shared with all teaching staff in preparation for the student's arrival in September. All Year 6 students have a transition day before starting in September and some students with specific special educational needs have several visits to the school, to familiarise themselves with key staff and the learning environment.


During Years 8, 9, 10 and 11, the Learning Support Manager works with our Independent Careers Advisor to support students with identified special educational needs with transition to Sixth Form or further education. Information is passed on to the school of further education establishment to ensure they are aware of specific needs and strategies to support. The Independent Careers Advisor, will actively advise and gather information during Year 11 to ensure all students are successful with applications for their next steps.

We ensure early and timely planning for transfer to a student's next phase of education and, in the year before the year in which they leave, offer transition meetings to all students in receipt of special educational needs support.


Students with Education Health and Care Plans will have next phase destinations and transition arrangements discussed at the Annual Review.


Students and their parents or carers will be encouraged to consider all options for the next phase of education and the school will involve outside agencies, as appropriate, to ensure information is comprehensive and easily accessible and understandable.

How do I apply for a place for my child who has SEND at The Latimer Arts College?

If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP): The Education, Health and Care Team (EHCT) will send you a letter seeking details of your school preference. You will be asked to return your preference within 15 days. The EHC Team will contact The Latimer Arts College to see whether we can meet the needs of the young person. The Latimer Arts College will do all we can to accommodate the needs of the child but in instances where it is felt that we would be unsuitable for the age, ability, aptitude or SEN of the child, or ‘others’ meaning the children or young people they will directly come into contact with on a regular day to day basis, we will be transparent about this and liaise with the Local Authority in line with the Children and Families Act 2014. You will be informed of the outcome of this consultation by 15 February of the year in which you are applying. If The Latimer Arts College is named, you will be invited to discuss the individual needs of your child and a transition plan will be devised with parent/ carer and child. Your child will be invited to access an additional transition day to help settle in.


If your child is in the process of an Education, Health and Care Plan statutory assessment you will need to apply to the School in the usual way.


If your child has SEND but no EHCP  you will need to apply in the usual way. This can be done at the following site:


Information will then be passed through our transition teams to the SENCO who will liaise with the Primary SENCO. Parents / carers are then contacted to discuss the individual needs of your child at a ‘moving up’ event. Your child will be involved in the transition process and their views gathered as part of a person-centred approach.

The local authority's local offer

Where is the local authority’s local offer published?

Northamptonshire County Council, along with all other local authorities, are required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). This is known as the Local Offer.


The Local Offer outlines all services and support available across health, education, and social care and leisure services and will improve choice and transparency for families.

For further information about the Northamptonshire Local Offer please visit:

Governing Body Ratification Date:

September 2023