Pupil Premium
At The Latimer Arts College, we are passionately determined to secure high achievement for each and every one of our students. We work relentlessly to ensure that each and every student has an equal opportunity to shine: no student should have any barriers to accessing an excellent education!
We do recognise that some students join us with gap in their achievement and/or in the life experiences that they may have been able to access. Our aim is to address this by putting in place individual and personalised support so that we can unlock the potential of every student, inspiring them to achieve excellence and be the best that they can be.
Along with the dedicated care and unwavering support of all of our staff, another way in which we will achieve this is through planned and purposeful use of the Pupil Premium and Catch-Up funding that we receive.
What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is additional funding that is given to schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged students and close the gap between them and their peers. Students who are either eligible for free school meals (or have been eligible at any time in the last six years), or who are currently looked after by the local authority or who are children of parents/carers who serve in the armed forces qualify for this additional funding.
How many students at The Latimer Arts College are eligible for the Pupil Premium ?
Approximately 18% of students at The Latimer Arts College are eligible for the Pupil Premium funding.
How we will use this money to raise achievement?
At The Latimer Arts College, at the heart of what we do is to ensure that all of our students are supported to aspire to excellence and be the best that they can be by ensuring that the day to day learning experience in the classroom is of the highest quality. We also recognise that each student is an individual and that there is a range of additional ways that each learner could be supported to achieve excellence.
Our aim is to support those students who are eligible for this additional funding to overcome social disadvantage and achieve success that is in line with, or even better than, their non-disadvantaged peers.
To secure this we will consider each year how we allocate the funding, analysing the impact of the previous year’s spending and drawing on the best practise from studies conducted by organisations such as The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), which, like us, is dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement.
Our plans can be viewed in: The Latimer Arts College Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - Updated September 2024
If you are the parent or carer of a student who is eligible for the Pupil Premium and you feel that there are further ways in which we can support your child, please contact Mr Steve King, Assistant Principal: sking@latimer.org.uk.