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Admissions and Prospectus

We would be delighted and honoured if you selected The Latimer Arts College as the school of choice for your child.  We hope that this page will provide all the information that you need if you are considering making an application to join us.  This is particularly relevant for those who are applying for places in Year 7 and the Sixth Form for the next academic year.  Please do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to have more information.

Is your child currently in Year 6? Apply for a year 7 place at Secondary School

Open Evening

We are delighted to extend an invitation for you to visit The Latimer Arts College’s Open Evening, which will be held on the 3rd October 2024 at 5:30pm.  Students, staff and governors are proud of our success and we would love you to come and visit us so that we can show you why. 

As part of the evening, we deliver a formal presentation held in our Masque theatre.  This gives an overview of school life, our student achievements and future developments.  

Our student ambassadors are on hand to escort you to any areas that you would like to see.  We recommend that your child wears trainers on the evening so that they can participate in our sporting activities.

Open Days 

We would also like to invite you to experience learning during a normal ‘learning’ day by joining one of our tours.  These days will be the 8th, 9th and 10th of October 2024.

These tours are popular, and so a slot needs to be booked in advance.  We ask that you contact the school on 01536 720300 to make the necessary arrangements.

Main School Prospectus

Our prospectus will provide you with some key information: 

SEND Support at The Latimer Arts College

Please do also visit our Special Education Needs website page to view our SEND Information Report that will provide you with additional information about how we support our students. 

Admission Policy and Arts Aptitude Applications

Please visit our Policies page to view our main school Admissions Policy for 2025.   This sets out our admission criteria for students entering Year 7 in September 2025. 

The deadline for submitting an Arts Aptitude Applications to the College is Monday 7th October 2024 at 9.00 am. Applications will not be accepted after this deadline. During October, contact will be made with parents and carers of Arts Aptitude applicants selected on the basis of their application form.  Workshops with these students will then be held week commencing Monday 14th October 2024

Parents and carers will be notified if their child fulfils the criteria for an Arts place by Friday 18th October 2024. Please note, this will not be confirmation that a place has been offered at The Latimer Arts College, as only the NNC Admission Team can allocate school places and they will notify parents and carers of this on Monday 3rd March 2025.  However, it will give you a strong indication as to whether your child meets our criteria.

Please note that we were over-subscribed for admissions in September 2024.  We are also full in all year groups.

Information regarding the NNC Co-ordinated Scheme for transfer to Secondary Schools (Y7) in September 2025

The School Admissions Team for North Northamptonshire Council will co-ordinate our admissions for the September 2024 intake.  Please follow this link for a letter from NNC to parents on how to apply for a place.

Please follow this link to North Northamptonshire Council's School Admissions website to access all the information you need to make your application as well as access to an online copy of the 'Applying for a Secondary School Place in Northamptonshire 2024/25' information booklet.

The closing date for applications to the North Northamptonshire School Admissions Team is 5pm on 31st October 2024.  Applications received after this time and date will be late and will only be considered after the on time applications have been dealt with.  On time applicants will receive the offer of a school place on National Offer Day, Monday 3rd March 2025.

Sixth Form Admissions

Please visit our Policies page for details of Sixth Form Admissions Policy.  

Our Sixth Form Prospectus and Course Guide can be viewed on our Sixth Form Pathways page.