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Extended Learning (Homework)

Reviewing, retrieving and consolidating learning through extended learning is recognised as an essential part of learning at The Latimer Arts College as it can help students to gain knowledge and remember more.

All extended learning is logged on satchel:one which students, parents and carers and staff all have access to.

In 2024 to 2025 extended learning will be set for each subject as detailed below:

  KS3 Extended Learning KS4 Extended Learning KS5 Independent Study
Ebacc Subjects

Once a week

Once a week

Twice a week
Maths Once a week Once a week Twice a week
Science Once a week Once a week

Twice a week

Computing and Digital Studies Once per term Once a week Twice a week
Geography Once a fortnight  Once a week Twice a week
History Once a fortnight  Once a week Twice a week
French Once a week Once a week Twice a week
BTEC Subjects
Will include preparation for assessment
Business Studies N/A Once a fortnight Twice a week
Media N/A Once a fortnight Twice a week
Sport Studies N/A Once a fortnight Twice a week
GCSE  and A Level Subjects
Art 5 per term 2 per term Twice a week
Criminology N/A N/A Twice a week
Dance 1 per term Once a week Twice a week
Design Technology 1 booklet per rotation (every 8 weeks)

2 per term 9 and 10

1 per week Year 11

Drama 1 per term Once a week Twice a week
Food and Nutrition  

2 per term 9 and 10

1 per week Year 11

Music 1 per term Once a week Twice a week
PE N/A Once a week Twice a week
Psychology N/A

Year 9: Twice per term

Year 10 and 11: Once a week

Twice a week
Religious Studies Philosophy

Once every 3 weeks

Once a week

Twice a week
Sociology N/A N/A Twice a week