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Child Protection, Safeguarding and Well-Being


Safeguarding our students is paramount and the School takes its safeguarding responsibilities seriously as set out in our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, which can be found on our Policies page

This policy has been devised in accordance with North Northamptonshire County Council guidelines and:

Child Protection

In accordance with the Department for Education guidelines, the school has a duty to keep parents/carers informed of its responsibilities with regards to Child Protection.  In line with this, should the school have reason to suspect a child is at risk, it is our duty to inform the relevant agencies of our concerns and to work with them as required.

In particular, we are expected to notify Social Services if there is unexplained absence of more than two days for a student who is on the Child Protection Register.  Another duty is to inform the Education Welfare service if any student is missing from school for 10 days without notification having been received.

Should you or your child have any concerns about safeguarding, please contact either:

Designated Senior Lead Mr Steve King
Deputy Designated Senior Lead Mrs Heidi Angel
Safeguarding Officer Mr Kai Collins
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Jeanette Birnie
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Ann-Marie Black
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Lynn Ellison
Safeguarding Officer (6th Form) Miss Sue Magee
Safeguarding Officer Mrs Claudia Turner

Promoting Positive Well-Being and Mental Health 

We are passionate about ensuring that our students adopt a positive growth mind-set and the resilience needed to be successful in and beyond a modern British society.

Praise and reward is a strong feature of our culture and there is nothing that we like better than being able to recognise all the positive contributions that our students make, for example through: Epraise rewards, positive phone calls home, postcards, termly House events and our annual Pride of Latimer Awards.  This supports students to feel recognised and valued.

Students are encouraged to engage in all that the School has to offer in order to support their well-being:

  • Our Personal Development Programme (PDP)
  • Our Physical Education and Health and Well-Being curriculum
  • Our enrichment programme, including our range of leadership activities 
  • House activities and competitions.

We do recognise that at any time, a student may need additional help and support.  For these times, we have developed a Mental Health and Well Being strategy which includes:

  • Having a trained Senior Mental Health Lead 
  • Delivering awareness training for staff
  • Setting up external partnerships with local organisation such as Northamptonshire Mental Health Team, Service Six, Youth Works, Souster Youth Counselling Service, Ngage and Kettering Mind.

In order to contribute to national research in this area, we are currently participating in research by the Northamptonshire Mental Health team seeking views of parents, students and staff to further develop our practice.

Should a student feel that they need support they can speak to a member of staff or use our email address.

Should a parent or carer feel that their child needs additional support, please contact Mr King, Assistant Principal and Senior Mental Health Lead: